If you know of a personal homepage that may
qualify as a TOP TEN AWARD WINNER, let me know by e-mail, uleive@osnanet.de - The owner of a submitted site must be over 13 years old. It is NOT necessary to sign our guestbook, besides it couldn't have any effect on the awarding as the criteria are as objective and impartial as they can be!
Our award shall point out remarkable sites and
webmasters on the basis of the most awards earned by a personal homepage. We suppose
that someone who seriously tries to win a great number of awards will as a condition as
well try hard to work on his site, to improve his site, to make it more interesting and
more pleasing. In this way the award shall get a special exceptional meaning, although
the basic idea seems to be quite simple, but in the long run
quantity may be good for quality. This is an award for the most awarded
homepages, so it's clear which main criterion we expect. You must have received more
awards than the current #10 on the list. Be SURE that you have an accurate count of
awards and that they are easily accessible from your site - they will be verified, so
double check for duplicate awards and do not include them in your count. Only legitimate
awards will be counted. The
submission will be ignored if someone is cheating and displays an unearned
image. This also applies to the case that
otherwise the number of awards would be enough to qualify for the TOP TEN. - If cheating is discovered after entry, the site will be permanently removed! - Please do NOT include "free awards", "guestbook awards" and other free "special gifts" in your total count. - The links should work so that we can go to some winners lists. Before you apply we recommend using *Link Check* from NetMechanic or *LinkAlarm*.
 The winner or/and the applicant will be notified by e-mail of the
result of our review within 30 days. As a winner you will receive the personalized
awards image, it's up to you to display it on your page with a link to the TOP TEN list,
although it doesn't make much sense to apply for this award and not to show it if you
qualify. By accepting the award the winner commits himself to link it
back to https://uleive.tripod.com/awards.html and
periodically announce the current number of his awards for the list lives on regular
updates, usually the list is updated once a week, the respective date is stated on the
pages where the TOP TEN most awarded sites are listed. All winners
who accept the award are listed with a banner on the main page and with a text
link and short description on a second page, and on top of it on a seperate page
introducing each member for his own. It is obvious that each member of the TOP TEN
can be replaced by other homepage owners with more awards at any time, so nobody has the
right to remain on the list or object to his justified removal. However, he may further
display the award on his page, and there is a special list for all previous members of
the TOP TEN.
Homepages which have received more than 500 awards each may
apply as *Future candidates for the original TOP TEN
list*, the banners and a short description of these homepages are displayed on
a special page. Perhaps THEY will appear on the TOP TEN someday.